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CD Projekt Red, développeurs de Cyberpunk 2077, victime d’une tentative de chantage

Le studio qui est à l’origine de la trilogie The Witcher subit une tentative d’extorsion sur son prochain jeu, le très attendu (par moi) Cyberpunk 2077.

Le développeur a ainsi annoncé sur son compte twitter qu’une personne a volé des documents confidentiels et cherche à les faire chanter.

Mais le studio polonais n’en a cure ! Ils ont fait The Witcher 3, c’est pas un petit voleur qui va leur faire peur. Voici de qu’ils ont publié sur leur compte Twitter :

An unidentified individual or individuals have just informed us they are in possession of a few internal files belonging to CD PROJEKT RED. Among them are documents connected to early designs for the upcoming game, Cyberpunk 2077.

A demand for ransom has been made, saying that should we not comply, the files will be released to the general public. We will not be giving in to the demands of the individual or individuals that have contacted us, which might eventually lead to the files being published online. The appropriate legal authorities will be informed about the situation.

The documents are old and largely unrepresentative of the current vision for the game. Still, if you’re looking forward to playing Cyberpunk 2077, it would be best for you to avoid any information not coming directly from CD PROJEKT RED.

When the time is right, you will hear about Cyberpunk 2077 from us – officially.

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